Hello Derps and Derpinas!
I'm YunaDaKilla and I'm a Canadian cosplayer. I wanted to create a place where I could post updates of my cosplays and other costuming project without using Facebook and then I remembered : BLOGSPOT! It's fairly easy to use and it's less work than a full website!
Now, to the point. Here I will post updates on cosplays, sometime tutorials or other stuff like videogame reviews (if I ever find a good microphone!). Eventually you'll have a link to my Youtube Channel : YunaDaKilla's Lair (yes, I'm a dragon and I'm ready for 40-raid team).
I'll try to update monthly (or more often if possible), but it might be hard. I'm still at university, and believe it or not, I'm not in the Arts department! I'm a soon-to-be microbiologist and school takes a lot of my free time, free time used usually for studies and cosplay XD.
On the right side of the blog --> there is a Pictures! space which redirects you to my Flickr account, where I will only put cosplay pictures. I still have to sort everything out, but I'll get there eventually!
That's all for tonight folks! I hope you will enjoy my little blog and be like be right now : ME GUSTA!
- Yuna
PS : This picture was taken by Nathalie at Montreal Comic-Con 2011. Yes, I'm yellow-ish. I was a Mirialan Jedi!
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